Buy Seasonale online

Sorry, Seasonale is unavailable

If you don't know where to buy Seasonale, you can buy Seasonale now online or pick it up at your local pharmacy with a prescription. Seasonale is used in preventing pregnancy. It should be noted that Seasonale does not protect against HIV or other STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes and warts, and syphilis.

Seasonale tablets are not available, but Seasonale pills can be obtained. You must take one pill every day until they are all gone. You cannot skip a pill if you are nauseous or have been spotting. Take every Seasonale pill at the same time every day.

If you miss a dose, you could become pregnant. The more you miss, the more chance you will become pregnant. Take the missed dose within twenty four hours.

Seasonale side effects include a rise in blood pressure, darkening of the face, nausea, vomiting, changes in eating habits, headache, depression, dizziness, and breast tenderness. If you suspect overdose, seek immediate medical help.

Please ensure your doctor has taken a complete history and physical before prescribing Seasonale for you. You should also see your doctor once a year for reevaluation. If you have any concerns in the interim, please give your doctor a call.